Monday, February 3, 2014

Here we go again...

So I know this just looks like a cute bag sitting on my kitchen counter, but this bag is the beginning of a journey for my family. This bag holds the future of my growing family. The contents of this bad scare the $h*t out of me & excite me all in the same breath. So what's in the bag you ask? Well here it goes........
This bag has been labeled my "Baby Making Bag." This bag includes all the necessities to start trying for baby #2(EEEEEKKKK!!!!) To save you from going back to through my previous posts I'll give you the quick & dirty story. My sweet hubby & I have been together for about 10 years & got married 6 years ago in 2008. Shortly after our marriage we knew we wanted to start a family, but we also knew this could be a risky task. DH had retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina) as a baby. We consulted several genetic counselors who recommended IVF with PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis). So basically we went through the IVF process & after egg retrieval a little piece of each embryo was sent to a lab to have their genetic material screened for the genetic mutation that caused DH's cancer. In 2010, after 2 IVF cycles we became pregnant with our little jelly bean, Aubrie Madalyn.
We were able to freeze 2 embryo to use for later ;). Well here it is 3, almost 4 years later & we are ready to thaw those babies out. So here we go again... We had a consult with a new RE who is closer to home & closer to my work & we have come up with a plan. I have already had my diagnostic testing. I go to the RE Wednesday for blood-work & an ultrasound. Hopefully I will start taking Lupron on Thursday. **FINGERS CROSSED**