Monday, August 23, 2010

Beta Tomorrow

My first Beta HCG is tomorrow at 7 a.m. I am such a mix of emotions. I have POAS 5dpt, 7dpt, 9dpt, 11dpt, & 12dpt and all came back BFP. I have a genuine feeling that I am pregnant, which makes me sound like one of those women who acts pregnant & pokes their belly out from day 1. I can't really explain why I think it will be positive but just small twinges, feeling exhausted, light cramping...

On the other hand I am feeling extremely nervous. What if all those HPTs were just flukes? What is I get the call from my nurse tomorrow & it's a BFN? I will be completely devastated!

So the nerves kick in until tomorrow's call from the nurse...


  1. I'm so excited for you to hear!! That many BFPs is NOT a fluke!! Lots of prayers for you and the little bean!! Can't wait to hear. Good luck's such a tough thing to wait, but I'm hoping it ends with spectacular news!

  2. Good luck tomorrow, Alicia! I'll be thinking of you and hoping you get yet another positive.

  3. Thinking of you right now as you wait on that phone call! I agree with all the other ladies that it will be good news but I am ready to jump up and down with you when it is official.
