Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I talked to Dana again this morning. She said we are all systems cleared to start my cycle in January & she e-mailed me some tenative dates. If all goes as planned (ha) & my cycle does what it's supposed to (haha) than I should have my egg retrieval on 1/20/10 & then the embryo transfer around 1/23-1/25/10!!! It finally feels nice to have a plan with possible dates. For a long time it felt like the cycle was never going to happen because of the never-ending labs, ultrasounds, & testing. But it is actually goign to happen & I have potential dates. Today is deffineitely an "up" day on my IVF rollercoaster ride. I am so freaking excited it's rediculous. Now let's just hope & pray that my period doesn't decide to have a mind of it's own & come when it wants to. Everything & everyone MUST remain on my schedule or I will pinch them =)

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